Postgame of Thrones
9 years ago

Episode 11: Tummy Bubblies

The top two toilet boys (and sporadic background guest Kim, in her biggest role yet) in Westeros are back this week to talk about S1E8 of Game of Thrones, "The Pointy End". Sure, we talk about the episode and how it was written by GRRM himself, but...

The top two toilet boys (and sporadic background guest Kim, in her biggest role yet) in Westeros are back this week to talk about S1E8 of Game of Thrones, "The Pointy End". Sure, we talk about the episode and how it was written by GRRM himself, but mostly discuss our fanfics, having panic attacks in front of famous people, and what all of Westeros would do if they had the internet. After great deliberation, this episode has been rated as a cumulative ten.